Frequently Asked Questions (and answers)

  • What do I have to do if I want to paint my house?
    • After you’ve figured out what color you’d like to paint your home, you must fill out and submit an ARB application for approval.  Please submit with sample swatches for your house, trim and door color.  You can not begin any work until you have been approved.
  • Lately, I’ve seen dogs loose in the neighborhood and they are leaving their mess in my yard or near the mailboxes, what should I do?
    • Please try to find out who the homeowner is and then you can kindly ask them to clean up after their pet(s).
    • You may also contact Animal Control to report the violation as this is unlawful, here’s a link to the seminole county ordinances pertaining to animals407.665.5110
  • Why is the Gate Broken?
  • Do you recommend any landscape companies, painters, realtors?
    • Join over at “Nextdoor.com” where lots of communities in the area are recommending companies: https://thecoveseminolecty.nextdoor.com/recommendations/
  • How much are the HOA dues?
    • The Cove HOA dues are $250 quarterly.