Community Entrance


According to some of our neighbors there have been a number of possible car accidents or close calls at the Cove entrance. Vehicles traveling south on Old Lake Mary Road on their way to our community; as they begin to approach our entrance, they would slow down to begin their right turn maneuver. The concern is that the drivers/vehicles behind are following too close, and to avoid hitting or crushing onto your vehicle they go around you and pass you on the left side; onto the painted double yellow stripped median, then barely returning to the travel lane as they pass our entrance. This is a very serious and dangerous move by a very impatient driver. For our neighbors leaving our community this scenario can be very worrisome; but for the neighbor entering our community, turning left off Old Lake Mary Road, is total panic. 

We are seeking help from Seminole County Engineering to solve this problem.

The Cove HOA would like to know if you have experienced this situation in the past. Please let us know by checking one of the boxes below. Thank you for your help.

The Cove HOA would like to know if you have experienced this situation in the past?
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